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Sunday, September 5, 2010

Physics of the Impossible 4

Class I impossibilities
Class I Impossibilities are "technologies that are impossible today, but that do not violate the known laws of physics." Kaku speculates that these technologies may become available in some limited form in a century or two.[5]
A future technology that may be seen in within a lifetime is a new advanced stealth technology. This is a Class I Impossibility. In 2006, Duke University and Imperial College were able to bend microwaves around an object so that it would appear invisible in the microwave range.[1] The object is like a boulder in a stream. Downstream the water has converged in such a way that there is no evidence of a boulder up stream. Likewise, the microwaves converge in such a way, that to an observer from any direction, there is no evidence of an object. In 2008 two groups, one at Caltech and the other in Germany, were able to bend red light and blue-green of the visible spectrum. This made the object appear invisible in the red and blue green light range. However, this was only at the microscopic level.[1]
Teleportation, is a class I impossibility, in that it doesn’t violate the laws of physics, and could possibly exist on the time scale of a century. Today scientists are able to teleport only information at the atomic level. Information can be teleported from Atom A to Atom B, for example. But this is nothing like beaming Captain Kirk down to a planet and back. In order to do that a person would have to be dissolved atom by atom then rematerialized at the other end. On the scale of a decade it will probably be possible to teleport the first molecule, and maybe even a virus.[7]

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